She says "hi" to EVERYONE
She loves to learn
She actually likes vegetables
She is routined to the point that I told her for two days in a row she could have a chocolate after she took a nap that now she thinks that is an everyday thing
She comes up with the awesomest games
She loves to dance
She loves to sing
She will play by herself with her toys in her room for four hours uninterrupted, and when we go to get her she has created a WORLD in there
She gives the best hugs
She tells me EVERYTHING
She learns quickly, and remembers for a long time
Her laugh
Her smile
Her pretty little face
Her cute little hands
Her HUGE belly
Her long hair
How she has to take off her clothes and put on her jammies before she can take a nap
How she says "I got it got it got it" when she wants to do something herself
How she knows the role of each person in the house. Mommy says no, daddy gives her candy, Grandma lets her play "birds", Aja does everything Rachel tells her to, Camary paints her toes...
How she obeys certain rules
How much she loves her brother
The stories she tells
The songs she loves to sing
The names she gives to movies and books, like "The penguin one (Happy Feet)" and "The butterfly one (Fern Gulley)"
The way she brushes her teeth
The way she climbs into the car
The way she says "Love you!" on her way out of the room
His bright, beautiful blue eyes
His soft, fuzzy hair
His tiny soft hands
His smooth pink belly :)
His little boy laugh
His high-pitched squeal
His cute little teeth
His happy sounds
How solid and strong he is
How he's already trying to walk and hasn't yet learned to roll over from his back to his tummy, not to mention crawling
How he lights up, smiles, and starts flapping his arms when he sees me
How he sticks out his tongue when he smiles
How happy he is in the tub
How he loves to smile
How he knows what to do when I pat his mouth so he'll make "ba-ba-ba-ba-ba" noises
How well he eats at mealtime
How incredibly distractedly he nurses
How much he loves Rachel and is entertained by her
The way he holds on so tight and snuggles me
The way he leans over to look around me while I'm holding him
The way he puts his feet together when he's on his back
The way he snuggles when I rock him to sleep
The way he smells
The way he loves to stand up rather than sit
The way he pats my face while he nurses
The way he balls up his hands when he's STARVING
The sounds he makes when he's soooo tired but doesn't quite want to go to sleep yet
The smile he gives right after he's done eating
How happy he is with the simplest of toys
How he puts EVERYTHING in his mouth (including Brussels sprouts, as it turns out)
How he loves being warm
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
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