Ok. I have decided my blog is really confusing. I want to make it more user friendly for myself and anyone else who might frequent it, especially as I'm hoping to post more helpful tips for everything in the near future. So I'm going through all my old posts to move them to my two NEW blogs (which are linked at the top of this one) so that this will be the JILL AND FAMILY blog and the others will be for things others might actually be interested in reading :)
Anyway while reading through old posts from 3 years ago I found this and thought it would be fun to do again:
20 years ago I was...
1. In first grade, experiencing all the drama that goes with that. My teacher was Ms. Fitkau.
10 years ago I was...
1. In high school
2. Part of marching band, orchestra, and color guard
3. Reading a TON
5 years ago I was...
1. A newlywed
2. Working on my last semester of college in Rexburg
3. Learning how to be married and getting ready to move to Portland with my husband
3 years ago I was...
1. In limbo, kind of working while my husband was waiting to get into BYU
2. Substitute teaching and learning German
3. In pain, either before or after I got my wisdom teeth out
1 year ago I was...
1. Pregnant with #2
2. Living here, with my parents, in our newly finished basement apartment
3. Making new friends and enjoying life in our ward
So far this year...
1. Started and am continuing a great workout 3-4 times a week
2. Found several new hairstyles to replace the boring ponytail
3. Started (and continued) more projects than any sane person should attempt
Yesterday I...
1. Made delicious crock pot stroganoff that EVERYONE liked
2. Watched me some "How I Met Your Mother"
3. Made headway on some of the above-mentioned crazy-person projects and now my house looks better
Today I...
1. Cuddled with my babies and sang Christmas songs
2. Watched my husband play with our kids
3. Ate a good breakfast
Tomorrow I will...
1. Maybe go on a double date?
2. Finish another project (the messy pile sitting next to me on my desk)
3. Snuggle with my family :)
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
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