I'm trying to get better at writing down these super cute stories right when they happen so I don't forget.
Today Richard stayed home all morning, so he was around for lunch. Afterwards he and Rachel played the "I'm gonna get you/You're gonna get me" game. It's so fun to watch. Rachel will stand there and say "Dad. Run." and then chase him around the couch screaming. After that he put her on his feet and walked around with her, and she loved it.
At one point I was holding Reuben and asked "Hey, do you know what your sister loved when she was your age?" and stared eating his tummy. He didn't think it was THAT funny, but he liked it. Then Richard chimed in with "You know what else she liked?" and had me sit down so he could zoom Reuben into my face like he used to do with Rachel. Well then she wanted a turn, so he grabbed her to do the same. She had a LOT more fun with it than Reuben did, which meant her mouth was open the whole time, and at one point a glob of spit flew from her mouth and landed in mine! Yuck! hehe :) After that bit of awesomeness Richard felt she deserved not only a high five, but bones and elbows as well. Then he threw in knees for good measure, and Rachel's next move was to stick out her foot. For "toes" I guess?
After Richard left I pulled out the applesauce to get Reuben some lunch, and got some grapes out for Rachel so she'd stop asking for the applesauce. She was carefully pulling the grapes off the stems, then picking off the last bit of stem before putting them in her mouth. I guess I looked hungry, because she started putting them in my mouth too. So I fed Reuben while Rachel fed me. I love my kids :D
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
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