It's been so long since I've written anything, let alone about how cute my daughter is, that I felt it was time for a post.
On Sunday we went to a different ward to attend a homecoming of a friend. Directly after Sacrament meeting Rachel started going "Ushrey?" She sure knows the drill. We told her she could go to nursery after we went for a drive. I'm sort of supposed to be a nursery leader, so I decided to stay in with her this day to get to know the drill. Apparently all I had to do was ask my child. Turns out they did things a little out of order this week. Usually they do snacks then puzzles then toys then lesson etc etc, but today they did toys then snacks then lesson etc. Rachel sat down and ate her snack like a good girl, but once she was done she walked over to the teacher and asked for a puzzle. Nonstop. For 5 minutes. hehehe :D She sure knows her routines and likes to stick to them.
The other day Rachel was tooting rather loudly. Richard said "Rachel, can you say 'excuse me'?" and she just stared at him. Then I asked "Rachel, can you say 'Entschuldigung'?" and she said in this cute high pitched voice "No!"
Rachel is also learning a lot lately. I think she's nailed down what a green crayon looks like, and yesterday she learned what a brown one looks like. I have a set of flash cards with letters, animals, and words on them and I've been trying to teach her the animals. We went through about 10 of them a week ago and she could kind of say all the names of the animals. I pulled them out yesterday and she still remembered them! My smart girl :D
Ok I think that's all I've got for now, but I'll try to do better about posting more often. Cuz I love my kids :D
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
She's so cute! I'm excited for George to start talking. So, there are houses down here in Arizona for less that $120,000. We bought ours for $113,000 and there is one on our street identical to ours that is now $89,000. Come on down!
Oh we've debated Arizona for a while. Richard has to finish at BYU first, and then we'll see where life takes us, but yeah he's been watching the house prices down there just keep sinking. His brother just bought a condo down there for like $20,000!
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