I don't understand it. I always make spaghetti the same. But this batch tastes strange...ly.
Anyways here are some recent events:
I went to Amethyst's wedding! Well, I was late for the wedding (never flying American Airlines again, don't worry) but I got to go to the wedding luncheon, which was fun. Her husband's dad or somebody made everything and it was really yummy. He made deviled eggs, which Richard actually enjoyed, and they were so cute I just had to keep eating them. He must have squeezed the yellow stuff out of a frosting tube and then he put a little sprig of parsley on each egg. So cute!
After that we took a nice nap (we got 3 hours of sleep the night before and were planning for the same the coming night) before driving 3 hours the stupid way to Kirksville. It was quite an adventure because Richard's phone died and mine was out of minutes and we seriously drove through a monsoon. And on a road that contained a lake, which set us back half an hour. Don't worry, we drove back to St. Louis the right way, no matter how dumb the gps thought we were. It actually thought we were in Wisconsin at one point.
The reception was really nice. They had M&Ms! When have you ever seen M&Ms at a reception? I thought it was absolutely brilliant. They had a really traditional reception (which I guess should be expected, even if mine wasn't) with a daddy-daughter dance and drinking sherbet in wine glasses and everything. It was actually a double reception because her brother got married a week earlier, so they both cut the cake and everything.
Amethyst's dress was beautiful, and very Amethyst. I'll post pictures once I feel like it.
Overall it was a wonderful experience, even if Richard was stressing about work the whole time. Everything worked out well in the end, so it was okay.
On a not so happy note, Richard ended up firing one of his techs yesterday. Bad day. And then he woke up at 4 to drive his boss to the airport, so he didn't get enough sleep and is kind of sick because of it. Today will be better because it's already about twice as slow as yesterday, so he might be home before midnight. Maybe we'll even be able to go out to eat or something with all the techs, now that we really are all family.
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
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