20 years ago I was...
1. 3 years old, getting ready to move to Mapleton
10 years ago I was...
1. Getting ready for Junior High
2. Still holding on to that 8-year crush
3. Reading a TON
5 years ago I was...
1. Packing for college for the first time (took all summer, too)
2. Drawing a TON
3. Working at Wats and chatting on MSN until 3 a.m.
3 years ago I was...
1. Working at Pinnacle for the first time
2. Organizing my bedroom so I can look at all my books at once
3. Missing my roommates
1 year ago I was...
1. Living in Portland
2. Hating work
3. Getting ready to student teach
So far this year...
1. Had the worst day of my life so far
2. Left the continent for the first time
3. Had more good experiences with my husband than can ever be described
Yesterday I...
1. Made the most beautiful banan muffins I've ever seen
2. Cuddled with my husband
3. Watched an AMAZING movie (The Illusionist: if you haven't seen it, SEE IT!)
Today I...
1. Stretched and did FIVE pushups! 1up from yesterday haha I'm out of shape
2. Completed all my work requirements within 2 1/2 hours
3. Listened to Journey
Tomorrow I will...
1. Hang out with Heather for the last time :(
2. Go to church
3. Play my violin (there, I committed)
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago
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