I am officially studying German again. If you want to talk to me in German or know someone who does, please feel free.
Ok so I got a job. I work as a processor for Lexis Nexis. Basically I look at people's job applications and click buttons all day. It's actually quite fun. I really enjoy jobs that make me feel completely productive. I enjoy subbing, but also don't because I just read the whole time. I don't enjoy being an office manager because my work is complete in just a few hours and I have the rest of the day to do absolutely nothing. I hate that. I like what I'm doing now. Today I didn't even get everything done because the other guy was gone so I had to do his work too, which takes priority to mine so I fell behind. But I love knowing that I'll go in and have lots to catch up on before all the new work comes. I love being productive.
Conference was so great. We were taken completely by surprise when Richard's whole family came down from Logan for conference. We spent both days at Julia's house watching conference and playing games. We also made some amazing food. If you like salsa, give this a try:
Chopped tomatoes
Chopped onions
Chopped cucumbers
Chopped mangos
Chopped crab
Lime juice
little bit of ketchup
It's amazing. Eat it with chips or even just chow on it alone. Being the pregnant woman that I am I think I ate more of it than anyone.
We made cinammon rolls while the men were at Priesthood, and the kids were quite helpful. They each got their own little loaf of dough to pound flat and spread with butter and brown sugar, then they cut out their own little rolls...most were not entirely round or symmetrical. But very yummy :D
I loved all the messages from conference. Another pregancy symptom is sleepiness, so I did sleep through a few talks. But I am allowed to listen to it online at work AUF DEUTSCH so I'm getting a nice recap every day of what I missed and what I didn't that I get to hear again. It's amazing to see the Lord's hand in the lives of his servants and our leaders. I loved the simple faith-promoting messages that most of the speakers left with me. I just felt so peaceful afterwards, and I have a lot of life changes I know I need to make based on the messages I heard. IT was all so amazing.
Richard has decided not to decide on his major yet. He got into a very difficult math class and realized that maybe math isn't for him. He's going to shop around a bit and see what he wants to do. He's planning on getting into the Seminary teaching program once he's a junior. That's really been his plan all along, the whole Bachelor's degree is just a front. So we'll see how that goes. His cousin just got a job as a Seminary teacher, and we're really excited for him. He majored in English, so I had a lot of classes with him. But Richard really just wants to teach the gospel, and I think he'd be fabulous, so we're going to make this work out :D
We found a house we wanted to buy. It was a HUD home, so there was always the possibility that someone would bid on it and we really didn't want to (it costs $1000 just to bid, and you don't get it back if you lose). The day after the bidding closed it was still there, but then the next day it was gone. I was really sad for about a week. I had big plans for that house. But oh well. Something better will come along, I'm just sure of it.
For those who may be interested, I will be participating in a fabulous concert in a few weeks. We'll be playing on 21 Oct in Nephi and 24 Oct in Spanish Fork. I think it costs $5 to get in if you have a student ID. It's going to be a really great concert. I'm very excited :D
Ok I know I had more to say than that. I guess that's what I get for not posting very often, eh?
Launch Mission #9
8 years ago